Bee delivery day!
Oh man, it is bee delivery day!!! My hive is ready to go. She’s a beaut. I have my smoker, hive tool, bee suit, gloves and bee brush. We have also made the syrup to feed the bees today. They will need all they help they can get in early spring.
This day was amazing. There were bees everywhere! Christian came to take pictures to help me document. He was a brave soul because he didn’t have a bee suit. He was very Zen about the whole experience, even when he had bees in his beard. We learned how to install bees into the hive and learned how to put the queen cage properly into the hive. This is intense! I hope my queen is properly released and does well. The queen comes in a queen cage and the bees eat their way through the candy cork at the end to release her. She is in the cage so the bees can get acclimated to her. I’m so in love with my bees and so happy I took this class. I also felt decent for six days this week! I only had one dizzy day. I’ll take it and thank you bees! Click in for the full gallery.